We follow the ISTD syllabus for our Ballet classes, Tap classes and Modern Theatre Dance classes, with the option to take examinations once students reach the required standard.
Our dance classes are on Saturdays in Community Halls, Church Lane, Northampton, NN1 3NL.
All classes participate in our Summer Term show and annual Class Presentation Day.
Ages detailed below are for guidance. Progression between grades depends on each student’s individual abilities.

Ballet is an important foundation subject, providing many of the basic techniques in dancing.
Pre-Primary Ballet Ages 3½-5
Begin your child’s dance journey with our fun and friendly dance class for girls and boys, introducing them to ballet while encouraging creativity, imagination and self-confidence through dance and music.
Primary Ballet Class
From age 5 (Yr1 at school)
Developing technique and starting to work towards the ISTD Ballet Examinations

Grade 1 Ballet
From age 7
Grade 2 Ballet From age 9
Grade 3 Ballet
From age 11

Tap is a theatrical dance style which uses the feet, and special shoes with metal 'taps', to create exciting rhythms and sounds. It started on the streets of America and grew in popularity through it's use in musicals and films.
Primary Tap From age 5
Grade 1 Tap
From age 7
Grade 2 Tap From age 9
Grade 3 Tap From age 11

Jump, spin, leap and shake with our Mini Performers - a fun and lively class for kids who love to dance, sing and perform!
This class covers different projects and themes each term, introducing our young students to Street Dance, Cheerleading and Musical Theatre skills while developing their rhythm and expression through music and dance.
For age 4 - school Year 2

With more challenging skills and routines than our Mini Performers class, students in Junior Performers continue training in Street Dance, Cheerleading and Musical Theatre, and building their confidence in performing.
Each term focus's on different skills, which can include:
Street Dance - steps and routines
Cheerleading - tumbling/acro skills, stunting/lifts, pom dance, chants
Musical Theatre - acting games, memorising short poems or rhymes, group singing and dance sequences.
This class aims to build confident performers who are ready to move up to our Cheer, Street and Musical Theatre classes with our older students.
For children in school Years 3-5

Originating from Musical Theatre productions, Modern Theatre Dance includes kicks leaps and turns and develops the dancers strength and flexibility to perform these skills.
Incorporating jazz, lyrical and contemporary dance, students learn versatility in their style and performance.

Primary Modern from age 5
Grade 1 Modern from age 7
Grade 2 Modern from age 9
Grade 3 Modern from age 11

Our Cheerleading class will learn chanting, cheering, cheer arm motions and fun energetic dance routines.
This class also includes Cheerleading lifts, pyramids and tumbling/ acrobatics.

From school Year 6+

Our Musical Theatre class focuses on performance skills and confidence building. Students will develop their acing, dancing and singing skills using a broad range of musical and theatre productions, while working towards performances for our shows and local events.
We have recently introduced the I-PATH Musical Theatre syllabus, which provides excellent vocal training along side our dance repertoire.

From school Year 6+

This class is a great opportunity for students to work together, learning various styles of street dance and broadening their dance knowledge and performance skills.
Students will learn choreographed routines, as well as being encouraged to improvise and create their own dances.

From school Year 6+